is a talent-exchanging network. More »
Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

New Age

Tarot card reading
I am excited to use Simbi because I am low income so being able to trade my skills for others is very helpful. I love the idea of this site, and am really excited to be able to meet and help people.

Tarot card reading

Personalized sigil
I am extremely excited to be a part of this community! I have always told my wife, "I wish there was a place where people could take care of each other, without money, without that damn green paper...

Personalized sigil

45 Minute Interactive Reiki Session

45 Minute Interactive Reiki Session

Virtual Lifestyle enhance reading

Virtual Lifestyle enhance reading

Astrology Readings
I really enjoy connecting with people and providing the services I specialize in. The more community, the better.

Astrology Readings

 Intuitive Oracle Card Readings.
I am really excited to join this community. I look foward to see what this potential leads to.

Intuitive Oracle Card Readings.

Virtual Tarot Reading

Virtual Tarot Reading

Tarot reading

Tarot reading

Law of Attraction  counseling
A world without money excites me. People are forced to thrive on what they truly have to offer others. I understand that one is all and all is one, so when I help you, I help myself. Let the games ...

Law of Attraction counseling

Virtual Tarot Reading - 30 Minutes

Virtual Tarot Reading - 30 Minutes

Astrological Counseling (add-on)
I LOVE the idea of trading services instead of currency!

Astrological Counseling (add-on)

Give You A Horrible Tarot Reading
I'm looking forward to doing business in a new way and experiencing the value of a trade-based economy over simple profiteering. I need help creating things that bring joy to other people, and that...

Give You A Horrible Tarot Reading

30-Day Tarot Spiritual Adviser
I have nothing but time on my hands these days and this site is an awesome place to find talented individuals to exchange services for projects you are working on!

30-Day Tarot Spiritual Adviser

One card pull! You choose the deck.
I get overcome by financial struggles from time to time and hate that money is the staple for our existence. It would lead me to wonder how life was back in the day when people would barter and exc...

One card pull! You choose the deck.

virtual tarot
I'm a TOTAL Hippy-flower-child raised by two of the same breed. As such, I'm super stoked about bringing the dream of trading goods and services for goods and services (instead of concepts of imagi...

virtual tarot

Spiritual midwifery
I am big on bartering and trade - there's many ways to offer and receive our gifts.

Spiritual midwifery

FREE List of Tarot Questions
I'm excited to offer value to others and to be able to learn from others!

FREE List of Tarot Questions

3 Card Spread
Since I was a kid I wondered why people didn't just trade things they could do. I'm looking forward to getting to do the things I love for other things I need.

3 Card Spread