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Aquarium/pond set up consultation


10 per session - Virtual OK - Posted May 29, 2017

I can prepare you for your aquarium even if you're absolutely clueless about them. My personal experience is mostly with freshwater low-tech planted tanks and small easy breeding set ups, but I can at least get you started in most everything.

I can explain basic fundamentals of the hobby and help you put together a shopping list. I can work within your budget, from almost free to thousands of dollars.

There is a ton of information available about this hobby online; if you've already done your homework I can provide a sounding board and advice, if you haven't I can point you in the right direction for further study.

I've had a 1000 gallon+ in ground pond and many smaller seasonal tubs for breeding, and can help you set up your own water features for whatever purpose you have.

We can communicate via email, FB messenger, skype or Google Hangouts, or get together if you're in the San Antonio area.

Training & Qualifications

I've been keeping aquariums for 15 years and have successfully bred over a dozen freshwater species and had success with plants as well.

Availability & Preferences

I have a flexible schedule. Given sufficient warning I can be available most times.

Trading Preference: I’m flexible, just hit me up!

Reviews of Matt

Sep 10, 2017
Great help. Lots of details. My tank is up and running because of his advice
Inactive User
Inactive User provided hour of D&D Dungeon Mastery for Matt
Jun 01, 2017
Interesting guy with cool ideas.


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